Henderson Village Property Owners Association

Design Standards

Our property management company, Homeside Properties, performs monthly drive thru home inspections of the 4 streets and retail properties in order to ensure that homeowners and retailers are abiding by the neighborhood standards. The most common violations include visible trash cans, weeds, unkept landscaping & lawns, mailboxes, and garage doors which need cleaning, repair, or replacement. Please see the links below for the full Design Standards Document.

We encourage you to take the necessary preemptive actions to avoid a citation. Become familiar with the items on the HVPOA Design Standards. This web site aims to give you an easy way to learn about your obligations as homeowners when it comes to maintaining your property to our community standards.

Thank you,

HVPOA Architectural Control Committee and the HVPOA Master Board

Home Improvements and the ACC

The HVPOA Design Standards outlined below is your guideline for home improvements. It also identifies when and how to integrate those improvements with the ACC. You may download a copy of this document below.
